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Sculpture bronze H 25cm, L 48cm, l 14cm, poids 8,3kg, signée, Edition limitée

Le taureau, cet être magnifique, représente la puissance sauvage de la nature. D'une force peu commune, son instinct combattif, la puissance et l'harmonie de ses formes et proportions, sa rapidité, sa bravoure, sa noblesse, sont la source de mon inspiration.

Mon TAUREAU a donc un poil luisant, lustré, une peau mince, un regard intense. Beau et ardent, fougueux, musclé, athlétique, on perçoit l'énergie dans ses mouvements. Il tape sur le sol, imprévisible et sauvage, libre. 

The bull, this magnificent being, represents the wild power of nature. Of an unusual strength, his fighting instinct, the power and the harmony of his forms and proportions, his speed, his bravery, his nobility, are the source of my inspiration.

My TAURUS therefore has a shiny, lustrous coat, thin skin, an intense look. Beautiful and ardent, fiery, muscular, athletic, we perceive the energy in his movements. He bangs on the ground, unpredictable and wild, free.

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